Flock Happy

Multiple Currency Support, New Checkout, Manage Subscription
Subscriptions from Canadian, European, and United Kingdom users are now billed in local currency.
June 29th 2023

Version: 28

Multiple Currency Support

Users from outside the USA (Canada, Europe, and the UK) can now start a subscription in their own currency.

Prices to Subscribe in different currencies

Flock Happy now supports Canadian Dollar (CAD), Euros (EUR), and Pound Sterling (GBP)

Improved Checkout Experience

New checkout experience powered by Stripe allows for local currency support, and ability to apply promotional codes for discounts.

New Checkout experience powered by stripe
Manage Subscription

You can now cancel auto-renewal subscriptions from the settings page.

Page Tabs, New Charts, Performance and UI Improvements
A wide range of improvements to Flock Happy making the system quicker, easier to use, and more reliable.
June 20th 2023

Version: 27

Page Tabs

Eggs, Animals, and Finances pages are now split into three tabs: List, Summary, and Charts.

Tabs in Pages

This change allows more content to be presented as we expand the the amount of data listed, and charts available.

Charts Upgrades

Donut charts are now uniform in size. Legends are now a larger size making them easier to click on and interact with.

Animals by Species, Animals by Sex Charts

Introducing new charts for: Animals by Sex, Animals by Species. Adding to Animals by Breed, these two new charts allow for a quick glance at your livestock breakdown.

UI Improvements

User Interface has been upgraded in many places.

Expense items interface

Expense Items are now more explicit, making them easier to comprehend.

Animal List filters now show as a pop-over dialog instead of embedded into the page.

Bug fix for layout shift when visiting animals list.

Animal Listings

Animal listings now use an extra line to prevent over-run for animals with long names or breed names. New icon for Enclosure. Animal Checkbox and Animal Menu icons are now reversed.

Customizable Homepage, What's New Panel, UI Improvements
Usability and performance upgrades
June 15th 2023

Version: 26

What's New Panel

When launching the app, you will be presented with a panel showing the changes since the last time you opened the app.

What's New Panel

Knowing what has changed will allow you to jump right in and start using new features.

Customizable Homepage
Customize homepage components

You can now choose which components appear on the homepage, allowing you to have just the features you need quick access to.

Home, Eggs, and Finance Page Pagination
Load More button on timelines

To improve performance the home timeline, egg collection timeline, and finance timeline are now paginated. By default 15 items will be shown in the list. A new Load More button will then add another 15 items to the list.

By paginating results, pages will load faster.

Layout refactor and performance improvements

Changing between pages will now leave the bottom navigation in-place for a smoother feel.

Page loading is now performed using Suspense and in-time loading. This reduces the initial page-load time and will improve performance on slow connections

New Species Supported: Deer

One of the oldest and most versatile species known to man

More detailed sales
Track customer type and number of eggs sold
June 10th 2023

Version: 25

Sale Customer Type

New field for sales: Customer Type. Differentiate sales for: Retail, Business, Friends, Family, Neighbors and Self.

Recording sale for self is an easy way to track your own consumption vs other sales.

New Sales Field: Eggs Sold

Record quantity of Eggs Sold per sale.

View a calculated price per egg on each sale

Record customer type and number of eggs sold
New Species Supported: Bison

Manage your Bison, the largest mammal native to North America

Improved Finance UI

Finance figures (currencies) now show as properly formatted to two decimal places.

Record Sales and Calculate Profits
Get a more complete financial picture
February 22nd 2023

Version: 24

Record Sales

Track sales for eggs (more product types coming) by species

Record egg Sales
Profit Breakdown

Easily see your recent profit performance for the last 7, 14, 30, 90 days and its change to the period before.

Profit over last 7, 14, 30, 90 days
View Sales over time

See running total of sales over time

View Sales Over time
View Sales by Species

See which of your animals is making the most

View Sales by species
New Species Supported: Dog, Cat

Like many people who own a lot of different kinds of farm animals, we have some barn cats and a dog. Now you can add your dogs and cats, and manage their records.

Change-based Egg Production Stats
View animals grouped by breed or sex, layout and chart improvements
February 12th 2023

Version: 23

See egg production changes for last 7, 14, 30, 90 days

A new summary shows total eggs collected over different periods along with the relative change % from the previous period.

Egg Production change stats

Each period is color-coded depending on the change vs the previous period (yellow for negative, green for positive)

View Animals Grouped By Breed, Sex

Adding to our existing options (species, and enclosure): Two new ways to group animals: breed or sex.

View animals grouped by breed or sex
Chart upgrades

Charts now use the same font as the rest of Flock Happy

Animals by breed donut chart

Animal Menu button no longer causes layout shift when opening menu.

Timeline entry for Animal started Laying will no longer show for animals that died before their start of lay date.

Tech Dependency Upgrades

Upgrades to Amazon Web Services, NextJS, Material UI.

New Species Supported: Cattle

Add your cattle, and manage their records.

View Animals Grouped by Species or Enclosure
UI, Quality and experience upgrade for broken eggs
February 8th 2023

Version: 22

New animal views
Group animals by enclosure or species

New option to view animals grouped by enclosure or species.

When viewing animals in grouped mode, the multi-animal selection and multi-animal actions are specific to that group.

New user preference: Show Broken Eggs
Show Broken Eggs Toggle Off

The broken eggs field is now hidden by default. A new user preference toggle is now available for showing this field.

Show Broken Eggs Toggle On

When toggle is on, broken eggs field is shown.

Egg list improvements

Broken eggs count for previous collections only show if the number is greater than 0.

Eggs List UI

New icon for broken eggs.

Timeline improvements

Broken eggs count now will in home timeline for collections with broken eggs.

Eggs List UI
Responsive Species Selector

Species select boxes are now responsive to their context. When filtering animals, only species of your animals will appear. When adding new animals, only species selected in settings will appear.

Select species for new animals
New Species Supported: Sheep

Add your sheep, and manage their records.

Specify Enclosure for expenses
More detailed expense tracking by species and enclosure
February 6th 2023

Version: 21

Optionally specify an enclosure for expenses
Expenses Form Enclosure Selection

Enclosure can be set for both new and existing expenses

Expenses By Enclosure Chart
Expenses by animal Enclosure

Easily see literally where you are spending your money

Expense Enclosures in Timeline
Expenses Enclosures in Timeline

If an enclosure is set for an expense, it will show in the home timeline and finances page

UI Fixes

Fix animals page layout shift (Animals by Breed Chart)

Roadmap update

Homepage updated with new roadmap for future releases

New Species Support: Ostrich

Another feathered friend to add to our world

Expense Charts
Also: Layout improvements, bug fixes, new note types, new expense types
February 1st 2023

Version: 20

The second release of finances features. Chart expenses by species, expense type, vendor, and total running expenses over time.

Expenses Charts
Flock Happy Expenses Charts

This release also features layout improvements for modal forms, and fixes a bug where expenses would show in animal timeline.

New note type: Award

Use to record all your show awards

New expense types

medical, fencing, equipment, seed, fuel, supplements, livestock, services, utilities, fees, licensing, packaging, administration, construction, labor

Initial Finances Release
Record your flock expenses
January 29th 2023

Version: 19

This is the first release of finance features. You can record expenses with an amount, vendor, category, and associate an expense with a species.

Finance Page

See a list of previous expenses

Flock Happy Expenses Page
Timeline expense items

Expense items show in the timeline on the homepage.

Expense item in timeline
Bug fixes and enhancements to egg collections

You can now only go back 5 and edit to record previous egg collections

Previous egg collection list

List will show approximate eggs/layer for historic collections. All collections logged since Jan 19th are actual eggs/layers number.

Eggs per layer chart enhancements

Eggs per layer chart will now look back at historic collections too.

Eggs per layer graph

Animal Lineage, Profiles and Timeline
New Species Support: Donkeys, Goats, Pigs, Horses, and Rabbits
January 19th 2023

Version: 18

The update also represents the first steps to adding breeding, genetics and more. This update allows for animals to have a set of parents. Using a new animal profile page, it is possible to traverse family trees.

Animal Profile Page

Shows parents, children, and a timeline.

Animal profile with parents and children
Animal Timeline

Each animal profile page shows a timeline of events related to that animal.

Animal profile page timeline of events

More Detailed Egg Tracking, Track Eggs per Layer per Year
Supporting more stats around egg collections
January 16th 2023

Version: 17

Eggs Broken

Recording how many eggs were cracked or broken.

Record eggs collected and broken
Laying Animals

Flock Happy now records how many animals were set as laying at the time of collection in the enclosure.

Eggs per Laying Hen

Egg Collections now have a stat to show overall efficiency. When egg collections are recorded, the number of animals set as layers will be recorded with the collection, as well has how many eggs per hen.

Improved Egg Collections List

See Eggs Broken, Eggs per Layer and Eggs per Layer per Year

Detailed Egg Collection Stats
New Chart - Average Eggs per Layer per Year

Avg. Eggs per Layer per year chart helps track the efficiency of your flock.

Eggs per Layer per Hen Chart
New Note Types: Social, Weather, and Welfare

New Timeline, Large Image Viewer, Note Images, Bugfixes
A substantial amount of new features and improvements to existing functionality.
January 13th 2023

Version: 16

Home timeline
New Home Timeline

Shows a history of events:

Animal Born

Animal Started Laying

Animal Died


Eggs collected


Noteworthy events are usually worth adding an image or two. This update allows adding images to notes

Fullscreen Image View

Images are now clickable to bring up a large view at higher resolution.

Date Constraints

When picking dates for animal started laying or animal died, there are now minimum and maximum dates that can be selected.

This makes sure that animals can only be born in the past (for now!), their start of lay date must be after they are born, and their died date can not be before their birth date.

Better Subscribe Process

After subscribing, the app will update in real-time. (Instead of having to refresh page)

Note Types, New Enclosure Types, Image improvements and bug fixes
This incremental update brings some quality of life improvements and upgrades stability
January 8th 2023

Version: 15

New enclosure types: Stall and Stable
Note Types

Add categorization to your notes: medical, shelter, feed, breeding, general, behavior

Ability to edit notes.
Image Processing

Images are now resized on-upload once, and never again. Makes loading images much quicker.

Egg Collections

Egg Collection form changes. When using viewing previous days on the egg collection form, you will see all enclosures and species you keep.

This is to ensure that all previous egg collections are visible, even if the enclosure no longer has laying birds in it.


Chart improvements for breed donut chart - Chunks are now sorted by thenumber of animals correctly.

Animal Images
Also: Animal Profile Image
January 4th 2023

Version: 14

You can now add images of your flock members. Take images throughout the life of your animals and document their development.

Animal Profile Image
Animal Images
Fix Animal list header floating above bottom navigation
Fix bug where breed name could be empty
Fix bug where animal species could not be changed

Improved Charts, User Subscriptions
Charts are now interactive, responsive and change depending on context.
December 29th 2022

Version: 13


Flock Happy is now a paid service with a free trial. This update introduces user subscriptions, trial, and account management.

New Animals By Breed donut chart
Animals By Breed Chart
Improved Egg Collections Chart
Egg Collections Chart
New homepage layout

Animal Notes
December 21st 2022

Version: 12

Add notes for: individual flock members, multiple flock members (selection based), enclosure flock members (all animals in a given enclosure), the enclosure itself, or a general note (not linked to enclosures or animals)

New homepage, animal summary, log egg collection, see recent notes.
Multi-animal action: Add Note
Single-animal action: Add Note.
New filter: Animal status (living/past)

Animals with a died date by default do not show up in the animals list. A new filter allows you to view living animals, or past animals.

New field: Animal cause of death

When an animal dies, you can set a cause of death for your records.

Multi-Animal Actions
December 15th 2022

Version: 11

Bulk Actions

The first actions available are: move animals (to a different enclosure), and set a laying date.

Manage multiple animals

We will introduce more multi-animal actions in coming releases.

Add text-based freeform tags with colors to animals. Use them to more easily manage and search for your animals.

We are making it easier to work with larger numbers of animals.

Checkboxes allow you to select multiple animals to take action.

Animal Tagging
Just one day since our previous release, we have a new powerful feature available.
December 13th 2022

Version: 10

Add text-based freeform tags with colors to animals. Use them to more easily manage and search for your animals.


Mark legband numbers, wingband numbers, toe-punch notation, flag animals that need attention, identify potential breeding stock, and whatever else you can imagine.

poultry flock management with animal tags

Tags are intentionally flexible. Use them however you see best to help manage your flock.

adding tags to animals

Smart Egg Collection Form
Manage Laying Flock
December 12th 2022

Version: 9

New egg collection form uses animal data to show only enclosures and species that have laying animals.

Egg Collections
Filter animals in poultry flock

Previously, enclosures had settings for which species they contain, and if to record eggs (and show on this form).

This release removes the need for this manual configuration. Instead, enclosures and species shown are based off the which of your animals are laying.

Per-Animal Start of Lay Date
Filter animals in poultry flock

Animals can be explicitly set as laying. Useful for when you know specific members are laying before 26 weeks old.

Create Enclosure inside the Animal Form
Add enclosure in animal form

When adding/editing animals, it is now possible to add a new Enclosure without leaving the animal form.

Add enclosure in animal form

Animal Filtering & Search
December 8th 2022

Version: 8

Our second release of animal features brings filters and search on the animals page. Easily find specific members of your flock.

Flock Search & Filter
Filter animals in poultry flock

Find animals by name, sex, breed, enclosure, and more.

Bug Fixes

Fixes a bug on animal form that disassociated animal from breed.

Animal Management
Our initial animal management release, and our largest release to date.
December 1st 2022

Version: 7

Animal Records

Raising poultry for eggs, or meat requires diligent record keeping. Our new flock management features make this a breeze.

This is just the first animals release - Future releases will include search, filtering, animal tagging/banding, images and much more!

Poultry flock management
Your Flock Records

Add animals, set their enclosures, breeds, hatch dates (age).

Flock names

Generate names for your flock

Naming animals can be tedious when you have a lot. Luckily we have a huge choice of built-in names ready to use. They can be randomly assigned to new animals.


Add Breed information to animals. Breeds are entirely custom, so you can enter any standard, hybrid, or completely custom breed name (useful for starting breeding programs).

Setup Guide

When logging in for the first time, there is now a comprehensive getting started workflow that will have you up and running quickly. Choose species, add enclosures, add animals to enclosures, set some preferences.

Enclosure Settings, Technology Upgrades
Also: Layout improvements, bug fixes, new note types, new expense types
November 24th 2022

Version: 6

As a step towards animal management (coming in the next release), enclosures has been updated.

Not all enclosures are used for egg collecting from laying hens. Some may be bachelor pads, brooders, breeding pens, etc.

Choose if to record egg collections for specific enclosures
Visualize egg collections by species
Tech Upgrades

Upgraded to NextJS 13

Upgraded to AWS Amplify 5

Animal Enclosures
This release brings enclosures to Flock Happy. Enclosures are the foundation of flock management.
November 17th 2022

Version: 5

New setting to Record egg collections by enclosure and species
Visualize egg collections by species
Animal Enclosures

Add your animal enclosures, and choose which species occupy them

egg collection history by species
Record your egg collections by enclosure and species
egg collection history by species

Multi-Species: Egg collections by species
November 10th 2022

Version: 4

Our previous release brought a new user setting to choose which species to manage within Flock Happy. This release expands on multi-species functionality with species based Egg Collections

Record your egg collections by species
Visualize your flocks egg production by species
Visualize egg collections by species
Previous egg collections list have option to see species based breakout.
egg collection history by species

Multi-Species Flock Setup
Choose which Species you keep. UI Improvements
November 3rd 2022

Version: 3

User Settings

New Species user setting: Choose which species you keep.

Flock Setup

This setting will be used to control which species you can record egg collections for in an upcoming release.

form now has option to remember login (Remember me)
Egg Collections Chart

Egg Collection chart now includes time-frame buttons. Visualize your egg collections for the last 7, 30, 90 days, one year and from first collection onwards.

Egg Collections Form

Improved layout for Egg Collection form. Only enable save button when changes not saved.

Egg Collections List

Improved list layout for previous collections.

First Visualizations and User preferences
October 27th 2022

Version: 2

Today marker for current day in egg collection list

Visualizations for egg collection data

See eggs collected per day on a bar chart

User preferences

Email Newsletter Opt In user preference


Redirect to homepage after sign-out

First release!
Simple flock egg tracker
October 18th 2022

Version: 1

Egg Collection history

Copyright © 2024 Flock Happy

A previous project of Walney Tech: Web Apps built in Cumbria